
Explainer video practice: Helpervideo


Each of us has to deal with annoying and sometimes nerve-racking processes on a daily basis: for example, as a customer of an electricity provider who wants to change his supplier ...ouch!

Or not without: as a new customer of a telecommunications service provider desperate to get his WLAN up and running...that can really hurt! After all, what's worse than no WLAN? Just two examples from a series of cases that can be extended at will, in which the things I have to do as a customer
to reach my goal are extremely complicated and require explanation.

All companies know this - the only question is: how do they deal with it? First of all, there is the famous customer hotline - but its numbers are hidden deeper and deeper in the depths of the website. The reason: extremely high costs for the company. Once you've finally found the hotline number cursing somewhere, the trouble usually really starts, because it often takes hours to get through to a helpful employee and get the info you need.

Help videos provide exact information and
instructions without a hotline.

Next try the FAQ's on websites

Next attempt the FAQ's on web pages - but also here eternal search is pre-programmed and whether one finds exactly the understandable answer, which one looked for for its problem ... that stands in the stars.

Well aware of this problem, more and more of our customers are investing in the relationship and communication with their customers - with a helpervideo! A helpervideo is an explanatory video that is created to help the customer with a specific problem. Or to take him by the hand and guide him step by step through a complex process.

Both sides are winners: the company, because it recognizes the problem and offers simple assistance in the shortest possible time, and the customer, because he finds the information he is looking for quickly in a condensed and comprehensible form.

Cloud-based gaming

We implemented our latest project in this area for the customer unitymedia. The initial focus was on design development - since the help videos had to be designed in line with the corporate design and the pictograms and icons already used in many other places in the communication had to be shown to their best advantage in the animation.

The result is a lively, entertaining series of five videos that explain a wide variety of sometimes very complex tekkie topics in an easy-to-understand way.

The response and clicks show that the need for information and interest in the selected topics is very high - the videos have already received thousands of clicks after just a few weeks. This was achieved on the one hand by the topics, the brevity and the snappy presentation of the explanatory videos, but also with the clever linking of the help videos with the overall content of Unitymedia's YouTube page.


Helpervideos are a great tool to offer added value to your customers and at the same time relieve other, cost-intensive communication tools like the good old and far too expensive hotline.

Take a look at our helpervideos for Unitymedia - have fun!
The topic of WLAN is a perennial issue with the overloaded hotlines of this much too complicated world - our video provides relief and explains what really matters when installing a router and setting up the network.